Reconciliation Framework
Toodyay: The land of three Noongar tribes
The Shire of Toodyay is in a unique location, being within three Noongar Boodjar boundaries of the Ballardong, Yued and Whadjuk peoples. The artwork below, by Sarah Miles – representing the three areas and the waterways that run through them – is presented on the cover page of our Reconciliation Action Plans.

Shire of Toodyay Reconciliation Action Plan 2023-2026
The Shire’s Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) for 2023-2026 – developed with the assistance of Noongar Kaartdijin Aboriginal Corporation (NKAC) and the RAP Working Group – was launched in June 2023.
This was the Shire’s second RAP, and was designed to align with the Toodyay Community Strategic Plan. It includes four core pillars that will guide our reconciliation journey over the next three years – relationships, respect, opportunities, and governance – and aims to transform good intentions and discussions into measurable actions that support and empower the local and wider Aboriginal community.
Over the course of the first RAP (2020-2023) many progressive activities took place and achievements were made, including:
- Aboriginal flag flown at Shire buildings, and acknowledgement of country at all Shire events
- Annual support for NAIDOC activities and Reconciliation Week celebrations
- Aboriginal history included in the Shire museum’s online educational resources
- Significant partnership between NKAC and the Shire (funded through Lotterywest) to develop the Gnulla Karnany Waangkiny (Our Truth Telling) project, highlighting Noongar heritage relevant to this region and ensuring a more inclusive museum through the inclusion of Noongar culture and history
- ‘Welcome to Noongar boodja’ wall mural completed at Toodyay Visitor Centre
- Support (financial and practical) to NKAC in its development of the ‘Noongar Trail’ – a walk trail and self-drive tour of various important Noongar places around town and surrounds – to be launched in 2023
We look forward to making further progress as we continue paving our pathway to reconciliation.
Click here or the image below to view the Reconciliation Action Plan 2023-2026.

Our first Reconciliation Action Plan (2021-2023)
In June 2021, we launched our inaugural Reconciliation Action Plan.
The Plan was also created collaboratively by the Shire of Toodyay and NKAC, and was designed to be a practical guide for our journey of reconciliation into the future.
Click here to view the 2021-2023 Plan.

Gnulla Karnany Waangkiny (Our Truth Telling)
Gnulla Karnany Waangkiny (Our Truth Telling) is another partnership project between NKAC and the Shire of Toodyay, 18 months in the making and forming part of our first Reconciliation Action Plan. The collaborative approach to this project is a wonderful example of two cultures working side by side to express the importance of truth telling, and what it means as part of the journey towards healing.
Gnulla Karnany Waangkiny was featured at the WALGA Aboriginal Engagement and Reconciliation Forum in October 2022, held at Optus Stadium in Perth, where the powerful video below was presented.
In May 2023, the project won the Indigenous Project Award at the Australian Museums and Galleries Association conference in Newcastle.