Are you wanting to develop?

Many developments that people undertake on their land require some form of approval from the local government. The Shire of Toodyay Local Planning Scheme No 4 (the Scheme) and related policies outline when development approval is required.
Information and Advice
In order to determine whether or not you need development approval you must first know:
- The zoning of land on which the development is proposed.
- What development you are proposing (including the size and location).
- Whether or not the proposed development is located in a heritage area, on a heritage list property or in a Special Control Area as designated under the Scheme.
- Depending upon the type and location of the development, you may also need to know whether it may be affected by the flooding.
When is a planning or development application required?
A Planning or Development Application is a request to alter the land or land use, construct a building or structure.
If you answer ‘yes’ to any of the questions below, then you will need to obtain planning approval from the Shire prior to the commencement of building or development on your land.
- Does your development involve the erection of a building other than a single house, extension to a single house, or an outbuilding or swimming pool ancillary to a single house?
- Is your development a relocated building?
- Is your development listed as a ‘D’, ‘A’ or ‘X’ use under the provisions of Local Planning Scheme No 4?
- Is the development located in a Special Control Area, a heritage list or in a heritage area?
- Does your development propose a variation to any of the provisions within the Residential Design Codes or Local Planning Scheme No 4 or any Council policy?
An owner/occupier wishing to undertake a land use which is designated as “P” under the zoning table does not require development approval if it complies with all development requirements under the Scheme and does not involve the erection of any structure. All other land uses and developments will require the approval of the Shire before they commence.
Depending on there being no specific subdivision restrictions in the area in which you live, rural pursuits such as the keeping of horses, sheep, goats etc. which are not for trade or commercial purposes, and comply with the Department of Agriculture and Food’s Stocking Rate Guidelines for Small Rural Holdings, do not require planning approval from the Shire.
Development/Planning application
The 'planning' application form and the 'development' application form are the same. This document needs to be completed by all parties that require planning or development approval.
There are other application forms, checklists and questionnaires that may be necessary for your operation. Please Contact the Shire to discuss your development application.