Sheds and outbuildings

A building approval ensures that the proposed building work complies with the Building Codes of Australia and other relevant standards and legislation.
Shed (Outbuilding) (Building Class 10a) - A shed is an enclosed non-habitable structure that is detached from any dwelling but is not a garage.
Garage (Building Class 10a) - A Garage is roofed enclosed non-habitable attached to dwelling used to accommodate 1 or more motor vehicles.
A building permit is not required if the Class 10a free standing structure:
- has a floor area not exceeding 10 m2; and
- is not more than 2.4m in height; and
- is not located in wind region C or D as defined in Australian Standard 1170.2.
The following information is to be submitted when applying for an uncertified building permit application for a shed (outbuilding) Class 10b) and prior to the commencement of construction.
- Completed Application Form (BA2). The form can be obtained at the Shire’s Administration building or downloaded from the Building Commission website.
- Two (2) copies of a clear and legible site plan detailing the following:
- All existing structures within lot boundaries, finished floor levels and ground levels.
- Location of proposed retaining wall/s to be shown on site plan.
- Drawn to a scale of 1:200
3. Two (2) copies of elevation plan / section through of proposed structure drawn to a scale of 1:50.
4. Two (2) copies Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) Assessment. For more information please go to (If development is over $20,000 and proposed structure is within 6 meters of dwelling.)
5. Two copies of a signed in ink Engineer’s detail (photo copies not accepted) if any imposed loads (traffic, buildings) are to be placed on the walls Engineer must take this into account and sign the site plan detailing any such imposed loads on the proposed retaining wall
6. Payment of fees:
- Uncertified Building Permit Application Fee: Construction Value x .0032 (.32%) or minimum Fee of $110.
- Building Services Levy: $61.65 if construction value under $45,000 if construction value over $45,000 construction value multiplied by .0.137%.
- Building Construction Industry Training Fund (Only payable if construction value exceeds $20,000) Construction Value x .002 (.2%) and completed Building.
Construction Training Fund Form must be submitted and is available at Shire’s Administration building or can be paid directly to the BCTF and receipt of payment submitted with your application.
If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us:
Contact the Shire