Plan for the Future 2023-2033
After considerable and integral input from Shire staff, Councillors and residents, the Shire of Toodyay Plan for the Future 2023-2033 – our strategic guide for the next decade – is complete.
This Plan combines our Strategic Community Plan and Corporate Business Plan into a single document that will guide us for the next ten years, providing a blueprint for future projects and services. While it is a long-ranging document, it will be regularly reviewed to ensure we are addressing the evolving needs of Toodyay’s residents, ratepayers, and visitors.
The Plan is based on our overarching vision for Toodyay: creating a caring and visionary rural community, and working together to preserve and enrich our town’s environment, character and lifestyle. This vision encompasses five key priorities:
- People: Toodyay has a safe, cohesive, and healthy community.
- Planet: Our natural assets and ecosystems are being maintained and protected for the enjoyment of current and future generations.
- Place: Our rural lifestyle is valued and is being enhanced with thoughtful planning and development.
- Prosperity: Together we are building a vibrant, diverse and sustainable economy.
- Performance: Through best practice leadership and governance, we are achieving the best possible social, economic and environmental outcomes for the people of Toodyay.
Click here or the image below to view and download our Plan for the Future.

If you have any questions about the Plan or would like to access a physical copy, please contact us.