
Subdivision is the division of one lot into two or more lots and/or the amalgamation of several lots into one lot.
Applications for subdivision can only be made to the Western Australian Planning Commission through the Department of Planning.
The application will be referred to the Shire for comment, but ultimately the Commission will approve or refuse the subdivision. The Shire has 42 days to provide its recommendation, once the proposal has to been referred from the WA Planning Commission.
The Shire’s interest in subdivision applications relates to town planning issues (consistency with Residential Design Codes, structure plans etc.), vehicle access, drainage, public open space (where applicable) and effluent disposal.
The subdivision process can be quite involved so it is strongly advised that you discuss your plans with the Planning and Development Department at the Shire.
It is also recommended that you engage a professional to assist you with the process, preferably a planning professional or a surveying firm.
Can I subdivide my land?
When considering a subdivision referral, the Shire will refer to existing statutory and strategic planning framework.
The minimum lot sizes in the R-Codes will determine the subdivision potential of land zoned Residential.
The Shire of Toodyay does not determine subdivision applications. The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) determines applications and at their discretion refers applications to various government bodies such as the Shire, Main Roads, Department of Environment and Conservation for comment and recommended conditions.
The Shire will make a recommendation to the WA Planning Commission.
What planning rules apply to the subdivision of "Rural" zoned land?
The Shire's Local Planning Strategy does not support the re-subdivision of Rural Residential land created under previous Local Planning Schemes and existing at the time of the gazettal of Local Planning Scheme No. 4 (13 February 2008).
Generally, subdivision of rural zoned land is not supported unless it meets the criteria in the Scheme and relevant State planning and development control policies.