Just 15 minutes could save your life this bushfire season.
That’s all the time it takes to make a plan that will better prepare you, your family, and your property for the high-risk months to come. A bushfire won’t wait for you to get around to it.
The Department of Fire and Emergency Services WA's My Bushfire Plan app and website will help you make the critical choice of leaving early or staying to defend. It includes important prompts including what to do with pets, what is needed to evacuate, and how to ensure everyone in your household knows the plan and their role.
In the Shire of Toodyay, we know all too well how devastating bushfires can be, and how important it is to prepare for the possibility. So don’t wait until it’s too late – make your plan today via the link below, or by downloading the My Bushfire Plan app through the App Store or Google Play.