Noongar Burial Ground signage

Published on Friday, 18 June 2021 at 3:44:09 PM

The Shire’s Reserves Management officer Greg Warburton has been working with the Noongar Kaartijin Aboriginal Corporation to acknowledge the presence of a very important local cultural site – a burial area established by the original  custodians of the Toodyay area, including those from the Ballardong, Yued and Whadjuk tribes.

In 1909 human remains were uncovered during the     construction of the Toodyay – Bolgart railway line near the present day Toodyay Showgrounds.  In 1916 an           Aboriginal Cemetery was  formally  gazetted  after       contemporary accounts estimated that approximately 100 people were buried at this location. 

In the 1920s,  during  the  post  WW1  reconstruction        program, private properties adjacent to the small             showground were purchased to expand the show and sports area.

The wording on the sign has been provided by Noongar Kaartijin Aboriginal Corporation to include information about burial beliefs and rituals and to also inform of                 appropriate protocols that should be observed.  The sign has recently been installed adjacent to the former hockey ground.

Robert Miles, chair of the Noongar Kaartijin Aboriginal Corporation said,  “This sign helps to inform and educate people about the meaning of this place.  It is a burial ground where lots of Aboriginal people were buried and is protected  under  the  Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972.  I  believe  this  is  a  good example of how the Shire of Toodyay and the Aboriginal community can work together in a respectful and mutual way.”



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