Black Cockatoo Conservation Efforts Receive Funding Boost

Published on Tuesday, 5 December 2023 at 5:00:00 PM


October saw eight Black Cockatoo nesting tubes installed across three different reserves in the Shire for a wildlife conservation project funded by BirdLife Australia.

Dean Arthurell of Carnaby’s Crusaders – a not-for-profit supporting the recovery, breeding and habitat preservation of these endangered birds – used a system of ropes and ladders to situate the tubes high in specially-selected Wandoo trees. These tubes mimic internal tree hollows, providing Black Cockatoos with safe breeding spaces that eliminate the risk of use by other birds.

This conservation project is an important one for the Shire, given the shortage of natural nesting hollows available for the area’s iconic Carnaby, Baudin and Red-tailed Black Cockatoos. With other artificial nesting boxes located on private land, all species will benefit from increased breeding opportunities.

The BirdLife Australia funding that made this project possible also includes ongoing monitoring of breeding activity.

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