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Barking dogs

The Shire can assist residents if they have issues with nuisance animals, this includes smell or noise.

When dealing with nuisance barking issues it is important that all parties concerned work together to assist in an amicable resolution.

Some dog owners find it hard to believe that their dog is causing a nuisance through barking usually because the dog only barks when they are not at home. 

It is important that neighbours provide dog owners with accurate information on when the dog is causing a nuisance such as:

  • Date, time and duration of dog barking;
  • Reason for dog barking (if known e.g. cat on fence, children teasing) noting what is happening in the area when the dog is barking;
  • Where the dog is barking (front, back or side of property); and
  • Any other relevant information to assist the dog owner in dealing with the issue.

Neighbours should be aware that they don’t unintentionally cause the nuisance to increase by:

  • Hitting the dog or fence;
  • Verbally abusing the dog in an aggressive manner;
  • Teasing the dog through the fence (normally children);
  • Hosing or throwing objects at the dog.

Early action means treatment is more likely to be effective and sufficient time should be given to the dog owner to allow treatment to take place. 

Should the nuisance barking persist after the dog owner has been advised, contact the Shire and request and investigation into the nuisance.