Monitoring Feral Pigs in Toodyay

Published on Tuesday, 25 May 2021 at 10:51:51 AM

Pictured: Shire of Toodyay Reserves Management Officer Greg Warburton inspecting a sensor camera.

The presence of feral pigs within the Toodyay Shire is well known especially in the Department of Bio-diversity and Conservation Reserves.

However, recently these unwanted animals have been seen on private land such as bush blocks and hobby farms.

Landholders worried about their personal safety have reported sightings to the Shire and appropriate Government departments.

Toodyay Shire Reserve Management has responded by contracting a feral animal control expert to trap pigs on private land and Shire managed reserves.

A successful sensor camera program has confirmed feral pig “hot spots” which will maximise the effectiveness of trap locations.

Descended from escaped domestic pigs (Sus scrofa) these adaptable survivors have reverted to their wild form and ways.

They generally travel in family groups of up to a dozen or so, are mostly black in colour and stand about a half a metre high at the shoulder.

Their feeding habits involve extensive digging and rooting for bulbs and tubers.

Some of the affected sites cover thousands of square metres and look like an earth moving machine has been busy.

Feral pigs are regarded as one of the most destructive feral pests in the world!

In Australia an estimated 24 million of them wreak havoc across the landscape costing agriculture millions of dollars annually by destroying crops, preying on new born lambs, infrastructure and spreading diseases like Foot and Mouth.

They impact severely on the natural environment by eroding river banks, fouling water holes and out competing native wildlife for food and habitat.

The community is encouraged to report any sightings of feral pigs in the Toodyay Shire to the Reserves Management Officer Mobile 0448284260



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