Hoddys Well Residents - Notification of Hazard Reduction Burn

Published on Tuesday, 8 June 2021 at 10:40:45 AM

Subject to final assessment of conditions, hazard reduction burns are planned today (08/06/2021) for parts of Panorama (View) Reserve, Hoddys Well. Residents in Panorama View, Twitlight Brae and Roberts Vale may see smoke nearby.


The activities are part of the Shire’s mitigation activity program, to assist in limiting the spread and impact of bushfire in the local area. This will be undertaken by specialist bush fire mitigation contractors who will continue to patrol the site post burning activities.


It is important that the residents do not enter these sites while burning an mop-up activities are being conducted. There will be some smoke in local area, keep doors and windows closed, and if driving slow down and turn on headlights -should smoke effect roads.

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